The Vore Whores
Strange things, bachelor parties. One last night for the groom to do all the things his future spouse would disapprove of, because they already know they don’t share lifestyles in common. One last night of ‘freedom’, as if there was no love without bondage of the undesirable kind.
I didn’t think I needed one, but my best man Colt insisted. I figured it was because he was already in just that kind of unhappy relationship, so I wasn’t going to get in the way of the bear arranging some time he’d enjoy — I’m a lion, and we’re nothing if not laid back.
The Big Day approached, and while the preparations for that were still ongoing and leaving me feeling unready, the Slightly-Less-Big day had a solid plan, or at least one that didn’t require as much input from me — Colt said he’d arranged a ‘group activity’ that I’m sure corresponded to the fun nights out he couldn’t partake in anymore.
Whatever happened, I was looking forward to a night off.
When I showed up at Colt’s place on that Friday night, I realized there was one detail that I probably should’ve worked out with him: the matter of the guest list.
It looked like it was just me and him.
“What happened to our friends, Colt?”
“Oh — I’m sure they had important places to do and whatnot. Yeah. Last-minute excuses. Something like that. But you and me, we’ve got a good night ahead of us, and hoo boy is it time to start the festivities!”
I sighed. Colt never did get any good at lying about where the buddies really went — he had a habit of sneaking snacks that he wasn’t allowed to.
(But his usually-heavy gut didn’t look like it had more than one person in it.)
“Was this really just an excuse for a vore night?”
“I don’t need an excuse for a vore night! This is an excuse for a special vore night.”
“Oh? What makes it so special?”
“Well, to start with…”
The doorbell rang, as if waiting for his cue.
“We will have some company,” he said, getting up to answer the door. “Maybe a hefty snack or two — I know you like the bigger fellahs.”
I squirmed. “Hey… I’m not the kind of guy who eats people. It doesn’t have to be about what I like.”
“Nonsense — it’s your party, so you’re the one we’re serving today. And I’m gonna make sure you at least get to try enjoying a guy squirming inside you before you have to start doing it behind closed doors.”
I rolled my eyes. “Colt…”
He opened the door and let in a burly marten and a pair of skunks, all clad in what appeared to be loincloths made of lettuce and smelling something like barbecue sauce.
“COLT.” I dragged the bear into the hall. “You brought vore whores into this house?”
“It’s my house, Armin,” he said. “And don’t shame kink workers.”
“‘Don’t sh — ’” I spluttered. “I’m not shaming them, they can do what they want, but I’m shamed by them.”
“See, stigma like that is just as bad, and this is just the thing for it.”
“Come on, Colt. You didn’t order them because of politics.”
“Everything is politics.” He went back out into the living room.
When I’d recovered myself, I found him in his recliner suckling on the fingers of the marten in his lap. The skunks approached me and pulled me over to the couch.
“Mm, your friend tells us you’ve got some reservations,” the thicker one said, toying with my mane.
“I’m just — I just — ” I held my breath and tried to formulate my objection. It didn’t help that the thinner one was toying with the button of my pants. “Whoa hey,” I said. “What are you doing down there?”
“Most folks aren’t too fond of the taste of skunk,” he said. “Me and my partner take alternate ways in.”
“Alt — you mean, like — that’s real? There’s no way you could fit a whole — ”
“Dare me to try?”
The thicker one was rubbing behind my ears as his partner started stroking my sheath. “Wow, you haven’t even seen a dick swallow a guy before? We’ll have to make sure you try it just for the sake of the experience, then.”
I didn’t say anything. I could’ve said no if I really wanted to. Heck, with the liberties they’d taken already, I might’ve taken them to court. Instead, I stayed silent, enjoying the chubby fingers stroke down through my chestfur while lither ones worked my emerging shaft to stiffness.
Still I was nervous about how both full-size people planned on finding their way into my body before the night was out. At least, I wondered that before the skunk pressed his nose in against the head of my cock, which slipped open wide to engulf his muzzle.
My surprise at how easily I was stretched was overwhelmed by the feel of the stretch itself. “How — rrrf!” Colt seemed impressed as well.
“He’s good at worming into tight spaces,” his partner said. “How’s that feel?”
I couldn’t even put together an answer — I was near hyperventilating from the intensity of my dick being slid open wide enough to swallow a person.
It didn’t hurt, as I’d thought it might. Though when the pleasure tripled a few seconds later with him working his shoulders in — I nearly blacked out.
The thicker skunk held me up before I fell off the couch. My dick was throbbing, but with the other skunk blocking the passage there was no way I’d be able to blow my load. It wasn’t till he was in past his rib cage that I could regain enough composure to gasp out a weak ‘holy fuck’.
“Just you wait till it’s my turn.”
I bit my lip, trying not to squeal as my poor overstretched cock swallowed the smaller skunk’s hips, continuing on to take legs and tail inch by inch with a disconcerting yet intensely pleasurable peristalsis.
Vaguely I heard the marten in Colt’s lap telling him, “He’s really good. You’ll have to try him next time.”
And then it was over, my dick had returned to normal size, and what had just been a space on the couch full of skunk was now a space on the couch full of a scrotum full of skunk.
“It’ll be a while for him to digest,” his partner said. “Do you want me in your ass now, or wait and fill me bigger with him first?”
No question, I thought. “Fill me now.”
I wriggled around to get my pants the rest of the way off and leaned over my overstuffed testicles, showing my rump to the remaining skunk.
Unlike his brother, though, he didn’t dive in face-first — he pulled out a packet of lube from a pocket and started slathering his arms with it. I hugged the warmth of his partner’s bulk in my balls as I anticipated his entry.
It didn’t go in easy like the first time, but somehow that made it so much better. Half an inch at a time, with pressure that made the stretching intense, he worked a paw into my rump. Even though I’d just taken in a whole person through my cock, this made me feel full in a way the slimmer skunk’s talent couldn’t replicate.
I moaned when he pulled out; I didn’t want to lose that feeling.
He pushed in again, and this time his second hand joined the first — bringing me to spontaneous climax. It was fortunate his partner hadn’t digested yet — there was no ridiculous mess — but my load still soaked into far more of the fur of my belly and balls than usual.
“Rrrh, fuck,” I said. “Give me more.”
I got more.
I squealed like a stuck pig as the arms buried in me pulled apart, stretching me wider than I could’ve imagined and exposing my depths to the coolness of the outside air.
I was shaking from the intensity of it.
And then the skunk pushed his head in between and burrowed in further; my hole closed up just under his armpits.
“Watchin’ this is making me hungry,” Colt said, hefting up the marten in his big paws like you’d hold up a baby. “Let’s get you down my throat.”
I watched him lower the marten’s feetpaws into his mouth as the skunk reached further into me.
His paws exploring my innards opened up a deeper route for him to enter; my hole tightened around him as his pudgy belly worked its way past my ring.
My legs felt like jelly as my body was overwhelmed by the stretch — at least it was all downhill from here. The marten’s legs had disappeared into Colt’s maw and he was receiving attention from the big bear’s tongue. I was a little jealous — not that I hadn’t already gotten off a couple of times, but there’s nothing like the straightforward blowing-your-load-in-a-hole it looked like the marten was getting.
I decided I’d have to unload these balls into Colt when we were alone again.
The skunk under my tail ass was starting to curl up inside me as his legs were pulled into my hole. The feeling of having an impossibly full ass soon gave way to the feeling of having an impossibly full belly, like I’d had a dozen Thanksgiving dinners. I leaned back, rubbing my balls with my footpaws as they churned, since my new gut was too difficult to reach around.
Colt was lying back in the recliner, stroking his full belly as well.
“I’m not going to be able to get home like this,” I said.
“Don’t worry about it, Armin,” he said, reaching under his swollen bulk to reach for his phone. “I’ve got you covered.”
“Hey no — I’m not ready to go home yet, and even if she’s okay with it she shouldn’t see me like this — ”
But the bear wasn’t listening to me; he was already on the call. “Yeah, hey, it’s me. You still have my address, right?”
“Think you could send about half a dozen more? Sounds like my buddy doesn’t want his special night to end.”
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