Penis Envy

Luis Walker
6 min readMay 8, 2018


I’m glad you made it here today, fox. From what we talked about on the phone, I think you’ll find I’m uniquely suited to helping you with your trouble.

You can guess that already, of course — as a tanuki, I have a bit of experience with differences of size. I hope you don’t mind if my balls are out — it’s not like any clothes would hide the bulge, and they don’t like to be cooped up anyway.

Be comfortable.

Sit down.

So you’re having insecurities about your dick being smaller than your wolf’s. How much smaller did we say it was? Three inches? I can definitely help you come to terms with that.

Just look over here — be comfortable — relax. I’m going to count down from ten…

Welcome back. I’m sorry you didn’t find our first session helpful. Don’t worry, this is common — my patients go home, all ready to face their challenges, and find out they didn’t understand how big a problem they were dealing with.

Maybe that’s a little sad, but it certainly keeps me in business. The business of helping you, that is.

So he’s eight inches longer than you, is he? I must have misheard before. I’m so sorry! I only prepared you for three last time. It must have been some surprise, coming home, thinking you’d be comfortable with your sizes, only to discover his was more than twice as long as yours.

Nothing a little more focus work can’t help with.

Just give me your paws and let me rest them here on my balls.

Feel the warmth of them and let it work its way into you as you stroke over them. Let that warmth calm you as we count down together…

Again, you say? Sounds like we’re going to have to get to the bottom of this.

Yes, of course you wouldn’t be bothered by a size difference of just eight inches. That’s not even a whole foot. But six feet, well. I’ll admit I haven’t worked with too many couples with such a size disparity, but my principles are sound and my reputation depends on helping you, so of course I’m here to help!

Plus there’s your other concern that dicks that big can be impossible to take. Don’t worry — we can nudge the state of things on that front a little too. You look like a sturdy fox. Just listen to ol’ Hatter and you won’t have to worry about any size, ever again.

I bet my balls are nothin’ next to his, aren’t they?

Oh? I’m still the biggest? Well, that’s good. Just as it should be. You might want to sprawl out on those balls. Just lie down and feel them rocking under you, gently back and forth, back and forth…

Let your eyes close with the relaxation and let’s start counting down…

Good morning — well, look how huge you are! That’s a belly full of cum if I ever saw one. It looks like you’ve been getting on well; no lingering insecurities this time, I hope?

That’s good to hear. But then, I wonder what brings you back around again…? No, don’t tell me, I can guess — maybe your own dick is too big?

Don’t worry, I have a lot of experience with this — just as much as with your first problem. It’s easy to change the size of a penis. And I’ve found that I don’t even have to be nearby to make those changes, so we can try remote sessions from here on out.

No, seriously, it’s nothing to worry about! You don’t need so much cock when your mate has more than enough for both of you. It’s practically stealing from his glory, isn’t it? And we know you’re happy with him being as big as he is —

Hey, calm down!

It’s all right!

You’ll only lose an inch or two to start with — whoa, hey — SLEEP.

Sleep, yes. Let that trance take over, and let yourself feel sleepy and fortunate that I gave you this sleep trigger to keep you from getting into trouble. After all, imagine what could happen if you lost — sleep! — if you lost control like that and actually hit me — anything could happen to you.

So you’ll sleep and forgive me if I tone down the possibility of that in future, right?

Just let yourself sleep and relax. You can do it. Save yourself from yourself, your impulsiveness, your silly thoughts of the equipment you think a male needs to have. Sink deep. Sleep. Good. Feel the weight of my balls weighing down on your chest and think of your wolf’s. You’re doing this for him, remember? You’ll find your dick shrinking away a little as you think of his, as you think of how much bigger than yours it is.

It’s a dozen times longer than yours now, six feet against six inches. Think about that. You’d only have to lose three inches to make his dick twenty-four times as long as yours…

Just think about that — how much more impressive it’ll feel when he rolls you onto his dick like the living condom you no doubt are when he mounts you.

Let’s make that happen.

When you leave this trance, you’ll find your dick is a stubby three inches long. You’re already comfortable being smaller than your mate, so you won’t be worried about it. You’ll easily forget the loss — you’ve always known you were smaller. It’s why you came to me in the first place, after all.

Remember our very first session, and how those three inches bothered you so. You’ve come a long way. But you’ve got a long way to go, too. Still a bit more of that dick to take care of. Some other features too — silly things like limbs and a tail and a face — your wuff will find those superfluous. All he really needs is a good snug condom he can blow those massive loads into.

In time.

It’s great to finally meet you!

Your mate’s told me so much about you. Though I guess he’s not much of a mate anymore, is he? I’m sure that’s why you’ve come to me.

By all means, drop those poor straining pants and get comfortable.

Oh — that’s him, isn’t it? I never get over how a guy can look so different when he’s all stretched out by a monster cock.

Such a poor distressed face. I can see why we need to get rid of it. All right. You can’t answer me there, with your organs plastered around your wolf’s worthy member, but I know you can hear me. Are you ready for our last session together?

Big guy, go ahead and set him on my balls. No, you don’t have to take him off, I don’t mind. Just allow me to stroke this head…

Shut your eyes and let my words go through you, just one last time. Let the sleep come and take you over.

Your mind spinning down, once and for all, emptying so all that’s left of you is enough to hear and obey my words.

That’s right. And your body will relax the same.

You’ll be spending a lot of time in dark places. Eyes will do you little good; just let them go, feel them melt away like they were never there at all. Condoms don’t have eyes.

That little mouth of yours, so counterproductive. Condoms are meant to contain, aren’t they? Let it seal up, feel those lips melding together and your muzzle retracting into your body. Nice and smooth. Just like that.

These changes feel good, don’t they? Like coming home.

Your legs, pulling up and melding into your body. Your arms doing likewise. You’ll get by better without limbs in your new life; your tail would be a useless handle.

Just let ’em go.

Let that fur fade away. Where you’re going, you’ll need to be nice and smooth, ready to be lubed up so your wolf can give someone else a nice, deep fuck… Just imagine it, here as I stroke you. Feel the coolness of that lube pouring over you. Feel your head being pressed under a nice, snug tanuki tailhole. Let the last of your old life slip away as you sink in, your ears finally melding into your form now that my speech has done its work.

I think he’s done now, big guy. Lemme feel every last inch.

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Luis Walker
Luis Walker

Written by Luis Walker

I write kinky erotica involving fat gay furries. I might have some opinions too. Writing Twitter:

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