Insatiable Drives

Luis Walker
8 min readJan 26, 2018


There were probably people better qualified to hunt down Cardo. I mean, he was a mad scientist, a wolf who’d been wreaking corruption in people’s minds from world to world, and I was just a small-time detective, a red panda–tanuki hybrid travelling around with his rat boyfriend in his pants pocket.

Of course, all the most qualified people had already fallen under his influence, reduced to helpless sex-seeking beasts. In the last town we’d been in, droves of police offers were roaming the streets, grabbing citizens at random to feed to their chief’s hungry ass. Governments had fallen, world leaders drowning in cum; all the great heroes had long ago surrendered to the whims of their insatiable genitalia.

But me, I’d already spent my whole post-pubescent life dealing with a sex drive turbocharged by hefty half-tanuki testicles, so I didn’t think there was much more he could do to me.

We’d followed the trail of his transmissions back to a suburban hospital, which had been mostly empty save for the occasional randy guard — the pheromone levels in the place were unbelievable. I’d unloaded my own balls before entering the grounds just a couple of minutes before, but I was already hard again, quicker even than usual.

I tried to hold back my urges. This close to danger was no time to be distracted.

A door in the basement labelled ‘Research and Development Lab’ seemed to be the target we’d been looking for. I couldn’t tell by listening whether anything was going on behind it, but when we went in to explore, I found the fanciest fuck machine I’d ever seen.

This wasn’t just some dildo hooked up to a jackhammer.

This wasn’t some rudimentary dentist chair with an assortment of mechanical arms.

Its sleek metallic pod was the focus of the room, with a glass front showing a soft, inviting surface very like a mattress with fresh sheets. Intermittently the whole transparent panel would light up and display video of the machine in use, along with a gentle prompt pointing towards the handle you’d open up to enter.

I’ll admit I don’t usually spend much time thinking about the various toys people use to get off — when you’re blowing loads every fifteen minutes there’s no time to maintain and clean props.

On the other hand, it seemed right to leave a mess for that damned wolf.

Bender crawled out of my pocket as I stripped down to get in. “What’re you doing, boss?”

I scooped him up as I slid into the cushy interior, setting the rat on my belly and starting to stroke myself as the display changed to a menu of options. “Long past time to get off, I think,” I said. “Think you’re ready for another load?”

“Well, sure,” he said, blushing somewhat. “But… this is kind of neither the time nor the place, isn’t it?”

“It’s exactly the place,” I said, choosing the icon for a short, thick dildo and watching the screen change again. “And there’s nobody around — there haven’t even been any guards on this level.”

He squeaked a bit as I pushed him back towards my stubby shaft. He knew my needs and was always an obliging sex toy, even when other stuff was on his mind. “Maybe there’s a reason for that? Is this thing safe?”

I pushed him slowly onto my cock, feeling his practiced tailhole open up for me. “Mmm… don’t see why it wouldn’t be. Relax, this’ll only take a minute.” I looked up at the next menu, which appeared to be another set of pleasure programs — a pair of handpaws, a sex doll, a question mark — but decided I was in a hurry and went straight to the icon with a stylized erection; no sense in beating about the bush, after all.

It looked like there were a host of other options, but we really were in a hurry — and my balls were starting to ache even though Bender was halfway on my cock already. It must’ve been twenty minutes since my last release, and the buildup was starting to be unbearable.

I hit the big ✅ symbol in the corner and the machine let out only the faintest of hums as it sprang into motion — not absolute silence, but just enough mechanical noise to bring your attention to how discreet it actually was.

My attention couldn’t focus on this detail for long, though, as the first movements of the machine were solid arms that extended under the sheets I lay on, pinning my own arms in its mechanical embrace.

“Hey, what — !”

My outcry was cut short as the machine extended a thick dildo that filled my muzzle, presumably the mirror image of the well-lubricated one that I could feel prodding randomly under my tail as it tried to find my hole.

As it found that tender spot, the fuck machine found its purpose, sliding in with one smooth movement and vibrating slowly as it began to thrust into me from both ends.

Oh well, I thought, finding myself immobilized. I guess I’m at its mercy till its program is done. May as well enjoy.

My dick throbbed in my rat as the machine worked me over. Its motions weren’t a simple in-and-out: the fat shaft in my rump slid directly towards my prostate like it knew my insides well, teasing that sensitive spot with its tip and edge as its brother worked my mouth over, letting me suckle at its comforting thickness between stronger thrusts deep down my throat that stayed in place till I was near to passing out from lack of breath before pulling back again.

Even the arms that held me down stroked over my chest, playing with my nipples.

Then there was a pressure at the end of my dick that I couldn’t quite identify — with a hard dick in my mouth there was no way to see what was going on. But whatever it was, it was pressing Bender further down my dick, the little rat yelping as he was stretched out to the point of being hilted on my stubby length.

And somehow he started to feel even tighter around me. A voice came from the machine, not robotic but gender-neutral anyway: “Well, aren’t you a thick boy…”

The tightness of the rat moved up and down my cock in what I realized was the machine trying to milk my cock. Even though its efforts were somewhat muffled by the layer of boyfriend on my dick, the ongoing thrust of the dildoes at both ends of me still brought me quickly to climax, flooding Bender with my pent-up load of cum.

The machine’s voice came again as it continued to work me over. “Come on, big boy. Let’s see that cum… I’ll get you off and you can go…”

It’s not going to let me out till it gets my cum, I thought. And it’s not gonna get my cum with Bender on my dick like a condom… Hoo boy.

I could feel the rat grumbling something I-told-you-so–like through my dick, though I couldn’t actually hear him through the encouragement from the machine’s milker.

I tried to escape the relentless workings of the machine, but my strength was useless against it — in the end I could do little but let it plow my ass, let it fuck my face, and let it milk my cock till my poor rat was bloated with more shots of seed than he’d ever taken from me at once.

Each milking only made the torture worse: as the rat got thicker and fuller he pressed against the walls of the milking tube that was hungrily working for my cum, and the snugness had me shooting almost continuously — my abused cock firing an endless stream of seed into the rat, which started spilling back out his tailhole as he reached his limit, soaking my crotch and dripping down over my tailhole, but nowhere near whatever sensor the fuck machine was using to determine it was done with me.

“Come on, big boy,” the machine repeated.

“Help!” I called out as best I could around the cock plunging into my muzzle. Either the machine couldn’t understand me, or it wasn’t listening.

But I felt a reassuring squeeze as Bender tightened his ass around my dick.

He held that grip on my cock even as the machine continued working him over me, and I felt my steady load was no longer spilling out his ass — instead his body was growing even yet tighter on me as he filled up past his limit, straining with the effort.

And then the blasts of my cum burst through and started shooting from his muzzle.

The fuck machine gave out a little chime of completion, opened up again and retracted its various limbs while I lay there more spent than I’d ever been in my life — and believe me, I have a lot of reference points to compare it to by now.

Bender worked himself off my cock, as carefully as he could manage given his recent treatment. He half rolled, half waddled up my chest to stare me in the eyes. It was all I could do to not laugh at his roundness, but he was mad and I deserved it.

“I told you, I told you, I fucking told you so.”

The interface screen lit up again, but instead of the menu, it showed the smirking face of a wolf in a lab coat: Cardo. “He’s right. Thank you for succumbing to your weakness.”

There was a hiss as the machine sealed itself and pinned me down again.

It felt like an hour had passed by the time the wolf’s henchmen eventually came to fetch me — hungry, helpless, and above all pent up to hell again. They didn’t bother to release me from the pod, but carried me to the elevator and up to the top floor of the hospital.

They dumped me out beside a big column in the center of the space, which was rotating slowly with a grinding noise — presumably the Insatiable Drive itself.

Behind the column was a bank of computer screens.

And at those screens, Cardo himself was sitting.

The wolf was burlier than expected, gray fur delineating a body that was well-defined already. “And you must be my unwelcome guest.” He reached for a dial at his console immediately as I realized it would not be wise to allow him to touch anything.

He turned a knob.

The ache in my balls immediately began to multiply, and they began to swell.

My thoughts clouded over with helpless desire and I…lost control. The wolf in front of me faded from importance: the only thing in the world was my cock. My poor, needy, neglected cock. I cradled it in my paw, stroking it with slow reverence, heedless of my original goal, heedless of any memory of danger, heedless of the little voice at my side trying to recall my attention.

My balls continued to swell, filling out in front of me like a full-blooded tanuki would have — a massive scrotum eager to be painted with endless orgasms.

There was a sting at my chest, and I felt my heart go ice cold. “Sorry boss. We’ve got to get out of here. I hope — ”

I woke up in the lobby of the last hotel we’d stayed in — the last place we’d saved — back in my clothes, back to what passed for normal. Bender appeared beside me a few moments later.

This time he didn’t yell. The glare in those little eyes hurt more than enough, and he knew it.

“I’m sorry,” I said, partly for what had just happened, but mostly for what was about to, as I picked him up and started to stuff him down my pants. “I’ve just… really got to get off…”

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Luis Walker
Luis Walker

Written by Luis Walker

I write kinky erotica involving fat gay furries. I might have some opinions too. Writing Twitter:

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