In View of Town

Luis Walker
7 min readJul 31, 2018


Every day I ride the bus home from work and think what a lucky tiger I am. It’s not that I have the best of jobs or the fullest bank account or anything like that — my luck is squarely in the field of love.

I mean, I know it wasn’t really luck. Finding the right guy is really hard. Especially if you’re like me — my bear says I’m picky, I say I’ve got strong opinions, the haters say I’m shallow. However you call it, ruling people out comes to be second nature — not just on looks (I’m not that bad) but little things like how they react when they lose at games, the scent of their sweat when they’ve been working out, whatever — and the way you kind of nudge those people away tends to leave everyone at a distance. (But now that I think of it, I guess I was pretty lucky indeed to find someone who’d put up with me.)

No matter. Whatever my flaws, he’d accepted them, and if he ever had any flaws, I’d never seen them, despite everything about his life being magnified to the degree it was.

As the bus crested the hill that divided midtown from uptown, my icebear came into view.

Now, Mizon was still about half an hour’s bus ride away. But when you’re about the size of a four-story building you can be seen at a good distance, from the right vantage point. One of the reasons I enjoyed my commute was being able to watch him — just the anticipation was enough to have me tenting my pants.

I didn’t worry about anyone noticing that, of course. Anyone who would be bothered by seeing a bulge would generally have their eyes on my bear instead. While he used to make a token effort at modesty, when one’s dick is also the size of a four-story building, there’s no really effective way of hiding that, short of finding an indoor space big enough for you and never coming out; he’d managed to win the right from the city to not bother with clothes, and in turn the local schools used him as a course in sex ed.

Sometimes when he knew I was on my way home he’d tease me, leaning against the converted factory compound that was our home, his tower of flesh jutting into the air while he stroked it, slowly, letting his precum build up — he was too far for me to see it beading up at his cockhead (which is quite a sight in person) but the strand of it, as it dripped down, would glint in the light in just the right way to make you as thirsty as if you’d spent a week in the desert.

Just one drop would be more than enough to make up for it, too.

He was more than just his dick though, even if it was the same size as the rest of him. Just to sink into that deep white fur, to feel overwhelmed by the size of him as he’d stroke me with a paw big enough to hide me in his palm — was as good an evening plan as any I could imagine.

The bus eventually signalled its arrival at Mizon’s Square, and I hopped off the bus and ran into my bear’s waiting paws. He lifted me onto his shoulder and I told him about how horny my day had left me as he brought me to the back of the compound, where we usually played — a good deal of the city could still see us from here, but at least we were out of sight of downtown.

“Bet you’re looking forward to unloading,” he murmured, his low voice still loud enough to rumble through his body.

“Not as much as seeing you unload,” I said.

The big bear chuckled at the old joke, pulling me off his shoulder and setting me in the thick fur of his crotch, leaning against the shaft that hung over us like an arch.

“Think you’re up to being stretched today?”

A thrill went through me at the thought — the days he’d wrap me around his cock were good days, but they were rarer than we both would like; it took nearly a week for my body to pick up elasticity again after recuperating from Condom Kitty time.

“Afraid not, big guy. But I think I could let you fill me up a bit…”

He grinned down at me. His precum was already dripping down my shaft, drenching my fur. “You sure, cutie? Last time we got you way bigger than my cock ever gets.”

“It’s easier for my body to fill than for my hole to stretch. Don’t ask me how it works, it’s your cum that makes it happen.” I laughed. “Anyway if you’re really worried…you know you don’t have to fill me with all of it, right?”

He blushed deeply, those big ears turning pink. “I got an email from the city that I do need to keep it contained… Some nonsense about a possible biohazard involved with cum being everywhere…”

I snorted. “Bastards. Lucky I’m here for you. Give it to me. Every drop.”

He’s so cute when he blushes. And that smile — with those teeth bigger than your fist — sometimes I just wanted to curl up in that mouth, though I was just a little too big for him.

And it wouldn’t be long before I was way too big for him. He lay on his back, picking me up and holding me over his head, setting me as high up his shaft as he could — four stories’ worth of cock was as long as he was tall, so it wasn’t all that comfortable for him to set me in place on his cockhead.

I’d have to do that myself.

I ought to buy us a safety harness one day, I thought, trying not to focus on the fifty-foot drop below me. It was a thrill and I loved it, gripping the tree-trunk girth as I climbed the last few feet to the top, resting my rump on that deep cleft that was already flowing with pre.

Mizon reached up and grabbed my legs, giving me just enough of a pull to wedge the tip of his cock deep under my tail. I inhaled deeply as the girth of it stretched me impossibly — not to his full width, but still thick as a fire hydrant, thick enough to make my dick throb with something like climax, though the pressure in me was far too high for me to be able to release.

The pre started filling me as my polar bear started to stroke himself.

My hips were already stretched apart by the tip of his cock, its girth deforming my pelvis to the point that its bulge already pushed my dick out of reach; looking down I could see each gout of precum as it pushed out my stomach, a slow swell filling out in spurts.

Now, I did love watching Mizon trying to get off. I’d often imagine what it’d be like at my size to wrestle with a cock as big as I was; knowing that he had that sense multiplied by however many times more cock he had by weight, well, I’m sure I’d go at it with all the gusto he did.

But when I was riding him, I usually tried to keep my eyes shut, just for the sake of sanity: the swing of his dick as he worked it added up to quite a bit of movement. While I’d come to love the rush of vertigo, the sight of the world moving up and down with each stroke of his cock like being on an enormous see-saw was something I never did get used to.

I shut my eyes and focused on my other senses, which had no shortage of stimulation: the intense stretching of my ass and the slosh of precum in my gut; the polar bear’s low moans and the friction of his paw on his dick, similar to my own when I’d paw, so much louder yet still endearing; and the ocean of musk that filled the whole square, the sheer size of him making it hundreds of times more powerful than my own.

He was working quickly, knowing I couldn’t take the stretch for long. My belly was already enormous, by the amount of wind I could feel on my fur; the twitch of his cockhead in my ass and the escalating whimpering beneath me told me his climax would come soon.

And with a loud gasp, he came.

He grabbed hold of my foot quickly to hold me in place as the first blast of seed fired into me like a water cannon to the guts, the shot distending my stomach like a condom being unrolled.

Each shot further brought me closer to the ground, not just from the swell of my gut growing bigger but also from the weight of it pulling his cock down.

With shot after shot I swelled with his warmth, my enormously bloated body finally resting on the ground behind his head, and the cum still came — my bear was a heavy cummer, even for a hyper.

By the time he was done, I filled most of the square.

Now, there are plenty of drawbacks to being a cum-filled ball of fur whose stripes can be recognized halfway across town — physical discomfort, societal consequences, cleanup — but there’s one benefit that outweighs all of them, and that’s being large enough, sort of, for Mizon to interact with on his level.

The big polar bear pulled his cockhead from my rump and lay down alongside me. The space between the buildings that bordered the square was a bit snug for me plus him plus his cock to all fit in to, but as he put an arm around me and cuddled me to him like I was a big soft pillow, it was more comfortable than anything I could think of, emails from the city be damned.

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Luis Walker
Luis Walker

Written by Luis Walker

I write kinky erotica involving fat gay furries. I might have some opinions too. Writing Twitter:

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