Game Night
I’d been starting to wish I’d never signed up for urinal duty.
I mean, it’s still a kink for me — it turns me on to no end when I get my order to kneel and serve my roommates — but sometimes there can be too much of a good thing.
Said roommates had taken to hosting larger parties than they ever used to, for one. I mean, sure it was a point of pride for all of us that I was there and could take those loads, but…well. I’m not here to whine at you.
I’m here to tell you about how game night went.
Now, usually I don’t get to do any games myself — I work online at odd hours for a company in Asia — but I do still have to take a lot of ‘bathroom breaks’ to take care of the guys.
Whenever there’s more than half a dozen friends over, I end up pretty bloated.
This weekend I happened to have the night off, so I decided to try personal time with friends, instead of just object time for them.
I mean, it would’ve been nice. But it was the night they invited Doug.
Now, Doug seemed like any other lion: bright green eyes, muscular, fur a bit on the reddish side — and then I noticed he had a bulge about the size of a volleyball, though whether from a diaper or from augmented genitals I couldn’t tell at first.
As I’d expected, Jake tried to introduce me: “And this is our urinal, the Don — ”
“Don’t call me that,” I said. “That nickname was never funny.”
“It is even funnier now, urinal.”
My scales reddened. It was the only name the rhino liked calling me by — without that, I was just the urinal. It was not the foot I wanted to start off on with Doug, though.
“It’s ‘Terrell’,” I said, offering my hand as far as it would go.
“Terrell the T-rex, eh?”
Please don’t, I thought — but I only smiled. Toothily.
“If you have to piss any tonight, he’s your urinal,” Jake said.
“I don’t think I — ” The lion tried to protest but was cut off.
“There’s no actual plumbing,” the rhino added. “Don’t worry, he’s into it.”
“I’ll probably hold it in,” he said. “I wouldn’t want to — ”
“Look, I’ll show you,” Jake said, unzipping his pants and lowering them to let his dick out. It was barely an inch flaccid, and nobody believed him when he said he was a grower. “Down, urinal.”
I sank to my knees and opened my mouth. I’d had a lot of training, both conventional and hypnotic, that reinforced my body’s willingness to participate on command in a kink I’m pretty sure I already had, and Jake was right: all my inhibitions were gone, and I would serve at any time.
The rhino fed his dick into my muzzle and the sharpness of his piss poured in a few seconds later; the flavor made my dick hard and I swallowed, glad to be serving. I could feel the warmth of it flowing down my throat till he was tapping the last drops off on my tongue.
“Good urinal.”
I blinked and spat out the remnants of piss as Jake zipped up. “See? Nothing to it.”
The lion’s bulge was considerably larger now from watching that display. “And you like that, do you?”
I shrugged. “Eh, it’s my duty.” A pang from my programming told me I should disclose more: “Just say ‘down’ when you need my service and I will be ready.” Even when you don’t want to serve, you serve.
He still seemed skeptical, but Jake had other people to show him to, so we didn’t interact any further till it was game time.
Even though we’d mostly moved on to modern games, tradition in the house was to start with poker. Strip poker was not exactly the traditional variant, but for pervs like us it was about as tame as we’d stand for.
That and a fortuitous two pair that lost him his pants was how I learned what Doug was packing. No padding, no obvious augmentation, just a cock as thick as a roll of paper towels. The whole roll. The guys cheered as it made its appearance.
In the meantime, the housemates had been keeping his glass full and I knew it was my drink they were pouring out. Wondering if his output was proportional to his girth made me feel a little thirsty myself; I half wanted to approach him, rub that fat piece for luck or for lewdness like the others were, but something told me it wouldn’t be my place.
My place was as a urinal, of course. My job was —
“Hey toilet, wake up. I said down.” Fisher had his dick out, impatient — I usually offered prompter service.
I dragged my eyes away from Doug’s package and moved on to the duty in front of me. The coyote’s cock was rank and sweaty, but as soon as it touched my tongue, my training took over and the glory of its flavor was the center of my attention. When he started pissing, the stiffness of my cock began to pulsate with a pleasure that only increased as the acrid stream continued on — longer than most streams of piss did.
Even though my hands couldn’t reach my shaft, the thought of the piss pooling in my stomach with swallow after swallow had me on the edge, and by the time he finally reached those last few drops it only took those two words, ‘good toilet’, to make me fire my load in my pants.
Fisher laughed as I spluttered piss and tried to recover from the haze of servitude.
“Looks like you’re havin’ trouble, T — you emptied out recently?”
“No… I probably should, shouldn’t I.” A nudge from my programming, and I had to add: “Does anyone need to use this facility before it goes?”
Once I had leave from everyone, I headed to the back of the house.
It’d be nice if we had plumbing, I thought, waiting outside our bathroom. There was a flush, the run of water in the sink, and Pedro came out, nodding at me. “Time to empty out,” I said, and he just gave me a smirk and went back to the common room.
I entered our bathroom, wishing we had a bathroom, and sat on our toilet, thinking how much easier my life would be if we had a toilet.
Oh well.
They’d tried asking me to recycle their piss, but that’s something that’s easier for folks whose arms are long enough to reach their dicks. When they found I couldn’t do the aiming required, they relented and let me use our toilet. If we had a toilet, this would be so much easier, I thought, flushing our toilet and heading back.
(“Sorry for the wait,” I said to Jake, who was standing outside the door.)
As the night passed, I couldn’t help but keep eyeing Doug — he never did put his pants back on, even after the game ended, but unlike all the other guys he also never used me.
I wasn’t the only one who noticed. Jake elbowed him and nudged in my direction, murmuring something I couldn’t hear — though obviously I could guess, given how the lion’s ears reddened.
He got up and approached me, that cock and balls wide enough to hide his thighs from view. “Hey, um…”
I wasn’t sure why he would hesitate, after seeing how easily I was used by others — maybe he was shy.
“Do you really want to try it?”
I blushed. “It’s not even about wanting to. It’s just the thing I do.” Even when you don’t want to serve.
“I…don’t know if you’ll be able to handle it, though. It’s a lot…”
My mouth was watering. “I love when it’s a lot…”
“No… I mean ‘a lot’ like, waterproof-room-and-an-ambulance-on-speed-dial ‘a lot’. Have you all got a room you don’t mind getting super wet?”
“Yeah,” I said, and led him back to the bathroom.
He frowned when he saw the place. “I thought you all didn’t have a bathroom here?”
“We don’t,” I said, lowering the toilet seat lid and sitting on the toilet. “I wish we did — I kind of miss having a toilet at home.”
“But you — That’s — ” He put a paw to his forehead in exasperation. “You really have been thoroughly trained, haven’t you… All right, then. Down, T.”
I was already seated, but opened my mouth obediently.
He hefted up his cock — it took both hands — and pressed its head against my lips. “Now, um…this is probably going to hurt…a lot…”
Worry managed to peek through the curtains of my programming for half a second before his piss hit the back of my mouth like a punch in the throat.
It nearly knocked me off the toilet seat, but the lion reached out a hand to grab my head, holding it in place against my mouth. The firehose blast of piss filled my world and stank in my nares and flooded my gut — it only took a few seconds before I was full, and not much longer till my belly started to bloat out in front of me, like I’d swallowed a soccer ball.
My eyes were watering from the force, which felt interminable. There’s no way he could have held that much piss in him! And yet it continued to flow, and my gut swelled out, weighing down on my thighs as it encroached on my knees. The heat of his piss filled me, the rush of it shredded my throat, but the cock at my lips brought me only the pure joy of serving.
There would be no purer devotion to my urinal programming to let this torrent of piss destroy me. As my gut bloated out filling the space between me and Doug, the strain of my hide stretched to the point where I worried my gut might burst open and spill that piss across the room.
I was ready.
But that’s not how relief came. The piss came to a stop first, Doug pulling away from my muzzle and holding back the stream with effort. A couple of stray blasts managed to hit the wall, but he seemed to have it under control.
“Sorry about that, T… I only meant to give you a moment or two…but it was harder to keep under control than I thought. You really are a good urinal.”
He rested a paw on my bloated gut and I fought a strong sense of nausea as my programming ended.
“If I’d given you the whole thing, I’d’ve filled the whole room with you. Or splattered the walls with you. I tried to warn you… You’ve gotta be more careful… Understand?”
I kneaded the gut that filled my lap, remembering the resolve I had earlier when doom seemed sure. “It’s my duty,” I couldn’t help saying. “Just say ‘down’ when you need my service and I will be ready.”
He narrowed his eyes and looked me over. “And that’s all there is to you, is it?” He sighed. “Give me half an hour then, to recharge. Then…well, you asked for it.”
“I’m ready to do my duty,” I heard myself say. Even when I don’t want to serve.
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