
Luis Walker
6 min readApr 5, 2018


Most people come to a concert to watch the stage; me, it’s my job to watch the crowd.

Tonight’s audience was rowdy — Macerator tended to draw a packed house — but at least they were focused on the music, not on rushing the stage or starting brawls or throwing their underwear at the lead singer.

Mind you, The Macerator was a twelve-foot-tall hyena, and nearly as wide — the set of people who’d be willing to mess around with him was rather restricted, so for the most part security on stage was just a formality, though you never know what could happen.

But the night was uneventful, at least for me, and it wasn’t long before we were all backstage, getting ready for the big afterparty where the band traditionally spent 95% of what they made from the show to recover from it.

I couldn’t entirely indulge in the festivities — still being on duty ruled out a good and proper intoxication — but there was at least a good amount of sexual playfulness that happened backstage: like they say, you can’t be a rock and roller without the sex and the drugs.

And The Macerator was a big guy with big needs.

But by the time I’d cleared the main theater and gotten back to the green room, he was the only person left.

“Hey, Vinny.” Most folks call me Mattock, but ever since he saw that ‘Vincente’ was the name going on the paychecks he refused to call me anything else — usually while affecting a Brooklyn accent.

I didn’t mind. The guy’s got biceps thicker than my whole body, it’s not like I’d fight him on it.

“So where’d everybody go?” I said.

“I was hungry.”

“That’s not exactly an answer.”

He rubbed his gut, which was lumpy and moving somewhat. “You sure?”

I sighed, but came in close to rub his belly as well. There were far more effective ways to feed a giant. But being a certain shape does tend to predispose you to the classics. “You’re such an ogre, Maz.”

The squirming I felt under his hide was frantic, as though he’d eaten someone who’d never been eaten before. It’s only a little stomach acid, I thought, and realized that might be a bit ogreish in itself. But they really would be okay.

“I want you next, roo,” he said.

I leaned in closer, resting against the curve of his overstuffed belly. “I’d love to be next. But I think you’ve gotta take care of this squirmer first.”

Maz chuckled. “Cute guy wanted some. Got more than he could handle.” He thumped his gut and let out a belch that made his whole body wobble.

There was a muffled scream from inside the hyena as the excess air was forced out.

“Should be just a couple minutes,” he said. “In the meantime…kiss me.”

The big hyena was sitting on a bench that left his belly at eye level with me and his face well out of reach.

“You want me climbing you, or…?”

“Just go for what you can reach.”

I took as much of that hefty, squirming gut into my arms as I could reach and buried my face in the deep depression that was his navel, sliding my tongue into the soft fold of flesh.

I almost lost hold of his gut as I felt his navel suckling my tongue in return — Maz was chuckling as I pulled away from the depths of his fatness in surprise. “Like that, do ya? Had a bit o’ work done.”

He stood up and leaned forward, pushing me back with the weight of his gut until I was pressed against the far wall, panting under the weight of a hyena who was eager to show it off.

“So tell me,” he started, but was interrupted by a deep rumble of digestion from somewhere in his gut.

He pulled back a little and I stared into his navel as it opened out into an enormous grin that spread from one end of his gut to the other, sharp teeth parting to show off an enormous tongue guarding an impossibly deep entrance to his stomach.

“…what do you think?” the new mouth said, in a much deeper voice.

I leaned in, grinding my stiffening bulge against the maw’s lower lip. “Rrrh…” I said. “I think I hope you’re hungry.”

He laughed, a disconcerting sound when it’s coming from two mouths at once.

“You bet I am,” he said. “But right now…I feel like playing with my food.”

He pinned me down with his gut, and the lips of his bellymaw started exploring my body. He could’ve gone straight for the meal. I’m sure he was hungry for it.

But he grabbed me in those lips and I felt his tongue exploring my body, taking special interest when it found my bulge.

The hyena’s belly was surprisingly dexterous — that mouth carefully worked its way to my zipper and undid my pants, springing my cock free before giving me the biggest blowjob I’d ever received. The enormous maw absolutely covered me in slobber, its tongue slipping between my legs and trying to worm its way under my tail; though it was far too thick to actually penetrate me, the sensation was incredible and quickly had me on the edge of climax.

And then the mouth all but closed up again and I was humping what was essentially Maz’s bellybutton, the deep tunnel slick and furry around my shaft. I embraced the hyena’s gut as I slammed in hard, feeding his gut several heavy shots of cum in succession before slumping in against him.

Of course with a mouth as big as his, the next inevitable step was quick: that maw opened wide again, taking me in all at once with a curl of the tongue before closing up and leaving me to darkness and the strange lateral swallowing you get from a mouth on the same level as its gut.

When I got to Maz’s stomach it was crowded with bodies, but still — the last squirmer had been unable to resist the temporary death that was inevitable inside the belly of a predator.

His paws rubbed through his flab, rocking me against the contents of his gut, the half-digested remains of my coworkers sloshing over me. The acid burned through my fur and tingled across my hide as the space in the hyena’s belly grew smaller and smaller, till with an echoing belch most of the spare air was forced out.

I sat on a lump of what had probably been a friend not too long ago and shucked off what was left of my clothing. Leaning against the stomach wall, feeling the throb and pulse of the life passing through it, fully surrounded by the big hyena — I was hard again and couldn’t help but stroke myself. I knew I’d need to get off quick, though.

The whole stomach rocked back and forth as Maz stood — going back to his seat, to judge by the jolt that followed, but a meal isn’t concerned with details like that. No, I focused more on the sharp acid splashing over me as the stomach churned, the foul and thinning air that remained, and the dull thumping of the hyena’s heart as I jerked my cock, ready to add another load of my cream to his meal.

It was a gamble as to whether I’d make it at all. Maz’s digestion was starting to kick up — acid rose up my legs till it was splashing with each stroke of my cock. The crush of digesting bodies pressed against me as his belly recovered from stretching open enough to accommodate an entire stage crew.

The tang of his acid escalated into pain as it started to melt away my hide; I gasped out as I felt my scrotum dissolving, though the intensity of it quickly brought me to climax, letting me offer up my seed to the predator that had claimed me just as I started to black out.

Maz sat back with a deep belch as he felt the last of his meal settling inside him. The belly upgrade had been totally worth it — he’d never been able to eat this much before.

Experimentally, he let the new maw open to fire off a belch of its own and was satisfied to hear the windows clatter. The sound on this thing was amazing — he couldn’t wait to take it on stage and let the fans hear it roar.

Soon enough.

But for now…

He heaved himself up to his feet and headed towards the facilities that had been set up for him, belly rumbling.

He had a toilet to destroy.

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Luis Walker
Luis Walker

Written by Luis Walker

I write kinky erotica involving fat gay furries. I might have some opinions too. Writing Twitter:

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