Another Brother
“It’s not sneaking you in! It’s like, I dunno, carrying a genie in a lamp. You can take stuff in without having to disclose everything!”
A trip to the movies was usually like a huge day of indulgence for the three of us, me and my brother and my boyfriend. But if only one or two of us had to pay it’d be a lot more affordable.
So, obviously, I was trying to convince my twin that the best way for us to keep up with the latest movies was if we melted him down and brought him with us in a pickle jar.
But Tommy didn’t seem too fond of the idea — even when I offered to ride in the jar with him so he wouldn’t have to go it alone.
“We’d still be taking up seats we didn’t pay for!”
“You’re always saying the whole business is a racket! Those seats would be empty and it’s the concessions they make the money on anyway!”
“Boys, boys — ” Javin tried to intervene, the big rhino pulling us together. “C’mon, bun, you know you wouldn’t really turn down intimate time with your brother sticking it to the managerial class. What’s going on?”
Tommy didn’t answer, a good sign something was up.
“Whatever it is,” I said, “I know just the thing to take your mind off it.”
“Don’t tell me,” he grumped. “Does it involve melting me down and taking me to the movies in a pickle jar?”
“How’d you guess?”
It wasn’t even an uncomfortable pickle jar. It was the biggest one we could find, about the size of one of those Futurama jars they put heads in, and for much the same reason — five hundredish pounds of rabbit isn’t going to fit in one jar, but I figured I could separate enough of us to see a movie.
Tommy was looking into it skeptically. “We’re sure this is safe?”
“You’re the one who taught me not to be afraid.”
He sighed and lowered his eyes.
“Anyway, it’s easy,” I said, trying to take his attention from whatever had been bothering him. I put my paws up to my jaw, and it only took a bit of pulling before my head came off — with just a plip sound as the severed areas sloshed back together, leaving only a little furry stump of a neck as if it’d always been that way. “See? No problem.”
Just a little more effort and my head started to slip out of my paws, a bit harder to grip now as it started to liquefy. Such a fun talent. I held my breath — for whatever good that’d do me, no longer being connected to lungs — and dropped my head in the jar, landing with a splash.
Sensory impressions muddled for a bit, my eyes and ears and nose all having been reduced to a sort of featureless white broth. Hearing returned first, sort of, and then I could sort of make out vague changes of light, and by the time I felt stable I still couldn’t smell or taste anything.
“That was really disturbing to look at.” Tommy’s voice was felt more than heard, the audio vibration passing through the whole of me rather than through an eardrum. “Do I really have to do this?”
I could still feel the rest of my body out there, and I tried to communicate ‘come on in, the water’s fine’ by a wave of my paws.
“All right, all right.”
I imagined my brother working out how to pull his head off in the intervening seconds. The jar shook and I had the invigorating sensation of sloshing for a moment before Tommy’s head landed in me with a controlled splash.
Now, we’d combined bodies before, though usually it was just him staying solid and me soaking into him. (It’s fun to be goopy.) But this time, fully dissolving into each other, there was an immediate sense that it was a stronger closeness than we’d shared in…probably ever.
It only took half a second before the cause of the intensity was clear. Before, it’d been me and him sharing a brain the way that two people might share a piano — it was still ‘me and him’. Now…now, there was just one of us, just the one melody being played.
It would’ve been more awesome if it’d been a happier song.
From inside my mind, I could tell that Tommy had been alone.
The kind of alone that only gets much worse when you do a mind-meld with your happily-partnered brother. Sure, John and Javin included him in a lot of their love, but…
I noticed I was thinking about both of the twins from an outside perspective, and considered my identity as the jar was sealed and stowed away, sloshing around in Javin’s backpack as he got ready to head out. If I wasn’t my brother Tommy and I wasn’t my brother John, then…I must be another brother altogether.
This was a mistake, I thought. I’m not going to want Tommy to go back to feeling separate. And I’m not going to want John to be unhappy about it either. And…I’m not going to want to stop being me.
So…that means I shouldn’t separate again, right?
Javin unscrewed the jar in the darkness of what was presumably the theater. “We’re here,” he said quietly, dipping a finger into my substance as if poking me for my attention. “I don’t know how to put you guys back together though… Should I pour you out?”
I coalesced slowly, my vision resolving into the sight of the rhino in his seat.
“You know, it’s good that I didn’t get caught with you… A jar of liquid white rabbit looks an awful lot like a jar of cum.”
“Cum, eh?” I teased. “Not…milk?”
“No, not like milk at all.”
The dim lighting faded to full darkness as the screen transitioned from the theater’s ads to movie trailers.
“I can’t see anything,” I said. The view was obscured by the row of seat backs in front of me.
Javin reached into the jar and grabbed me by the ears, holding me up. It was a good thing we were at the back of the theater — a big rhino holding up a disembodied head would’ve been some sight, if anyone had been looking.
But even the rhino’s regular workouts couldn’t make it easy for him to hold his arms up for two and a half hours at a time.
“Javin!” I hissed, as he put me down in his lap to stretch his arms, the view of the screen once again obscured. Luckily we hadn’t even reached the start of the movie yet.
“You should’ve thought of this before we left.”
“I — ”
“And you should’ve thought of this before we left,” he said, putting a hand on the back of my head and pressing it into the bulge of his trousers.
“Ooh,” I said, as his spare hand undid his button, pulled out his shaft — which was still a little soft — and plopped it on my nose.
I inhaled deeply, taking in the scent of my brother’s boyfriend’s cock before letting it slide into my muzzle, the gray flesh warm and a little sweaty from the day.
He held me in both hands like a toy, sliding me along the length of him as he grew stiffer along my tongue.
I wondered what would happen if he tried to make me throat him. I wondered what my throat looked like at all.
The movie was starting in the background, but it wasn’t important. That thick rhino cock was pushing at the back of my mouth with a roughness that set off my gag reflex, but given that I didn’t have anything to cough up, there was no reason for him to be gentle.
Aside from not disturbing the others in the audience, that is. We might’ve been alone in the back row but there had been other people in view when he’d lifted me up. I tried to keep my own reactions quiet as he used me, but there was still the schlick of flesh and pre on flesh and spit and the heavy breathing of somewhere between one and three horny furs.
I hoped he was making sure nobody was watching, but at this point he seemed more lost in his oncoming climax than anything else. Oh well — if we’re caught, at least I can play dead.
His cock at full mast was indeed pushing into my throat, and I felt the bizarre sensation of its head pushing out through the point where my neck ended and the open air began.
With my head fully impaled on his length, he continued to pound my nose against his crotch till he inhaled sharply, grinding me into his pubes as his shaft pulsed, firing his load across the seatback in front of us with a splatter that must have been heard across the theater.
Javin slumped back as his orgasm faded, the big rhino leaving me on his shaft as it softened.
Somehow there was time for him to catch his breath, put his junk away, and hide me back in the jar before the accusatory flashlight of an usher lit up to escort us out.
“Luckily he recognized me and only gave me a warning,” Javin said, pouring my head out onto the bed beside my brothers’ bodies, which were stroking each other out of pure idle reflex. “Do you boys need any help, uh, sorting yourselves out?”
I looked over at my headless brothers, whom I noticed Javin was avoiding looking at directly. With a thought I brought them closer, Tommy’s left paw and John’s right paw reaching out to pick me up.
“No, I’ve got it.” I was going to have to give my brothers’ heads back; there was no way around that. But of course, there’s no reason I’d have to do it right away.
The rabbits’ paws started melting where they touched me, the goop of it dripping down to the stump of my neck as their bodies flowed together, forming a hulk of lapine flesh big enough to support me as the paws that were mine now put my head back in place on my shoulders.
I picked up the big rhino, who seemed small in my hands, tossed him on the bed and straddled him. Five hundredish pounds of rabbit made for a hefty package looming over him — and a hefty package thicker even than his burly arms flopped onto his torso, a monster rearing up in need of satisfaction. It was too big, sure, but I wasn’t all that solid yet — I could probably mount him without causing too much damage.
Still, Javin was looking up at me, eyes wide. “John…?”
“He’ll be back with you shortly,” I said, pinning him down at the shoulder as I slid my cock between his thighs, lubricated by my own goopiness as I pressed firmly under his tail. “But first…”
He gasped as his hole opened up for a fist-and-a-half–thick cockhead.
“…First, let’s make up for missing that movie.”
I slammed my dick home.
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