And Be Merry

Luis Walker
9 min readJun 13, 2018


It’s hard to guess, sometimes, the things a fellow will do when he’s under a curse. I mean, there are the obvious kinds of curse — you turn green, you turn into a chicken, you start thinking it’s a good idea to get your lunch from the midden — but sometimes it’s a lot more subtle, the kinds of things anyone might do and that only good friends would notice were strange.

Brechtwin had had a lot to drink. Given how short our coin had been running thanks to failing our last adventure I wasn’t too happy with this, but it’s like they always say — you can tell a horse to stick to water, but you can’t make him stop drinking.

When Brechtwin’s had too much, he generally gets…friendly…in ways that one might find anywhere between ‘dopey’ and ‘daunting’, depending on how interested one was — and how erect his cock. I didn’t mind; we often had intimacy, though he was much keener on taking my modest member than I was on struggling with his.

Of course, he always tried. “C’mon, Sanctius.”

“I can’t have you rippin’ me apart, Break. The margrave’s already going to tear me a new one when he finds out we lost his boy fighting that witch.”

“I’m not gonna rip you, foxie. I told you, you’re stretchier than you think. But you won’t even let me try.”

“I have trouble with dicks my size, how honestly am I going to take you?”


I rolled my eyes.

“No, seriously. Just a bit of getting you worked up and you’ll be ready for it. Begging, even.”

He was getting aroused at the idea, and the bulge of his shaft snaking down his trouser was more than enough to remind me why I was reluctant.

Still, the smell of its musk was growing along with it, and it caused my own member to stir. Maybe we could find something safer to do. Or some_one_ — the inn may not have been the highest quality as an establishment, but the folk in this town seemed unusually attractive.

The horse nuzzled at my cheek. “Please?”

I reached down to adjust myself. “I do need to unload…should we get a room or something?”

“We can’t afford one,” he said.

“Ugh. Maybe slip out to the stable?”

No stables,” the horse growled. “How about here?”

“What — here in front of everyone else?”

He ducked under the table, resting his head in my lap. “I’m sure you won’t be the first one treated this way,” he said. “In fact, you may not even be the only one in this room.”

“Who? Where?”

“You figure it out,” he said, unlacing my trousers.

I searched the faces of the others around the room, looking for — well, the expression I was sure was on my face as Brechtwin took my cock into his muzzle.

There was actually no shortage of pleasured expressions, in fact, which struck me as odd at first until I thought about it a little more. They said ‘eat, drink, and be merry,’ after all, so why shouldn’t people be merry?

But I couldn’t find the person Break was talking about.

I mean, there were a badger and a couple of foxes jerking off under the tables, but there was nothing unusual about that, was there?

Something at the back of my mind was trying to tell me that it was actually not usual at all, but the horse between my legs was distracting me with his broad tongue so much that I couldn’t focus on the thought.

No, I realized. Of course that wasn’t right. People wouldn’t just be jerking off.

I tried to scan under the tables again, at least when my eyes weren’t crossing thanks to the horse’s attention. Certainly there were a few tavern workers there, bent over and getting their tailholes filled. Some were getting their fur soaked with piss. But nobody was only getting a blowjob, either.

Brechtwin stroked over my balls and suckled over my shaft, his hand sliding down to occasionally finger under my tail, till I was squirming and couldn’t take anymore.

“Break… Come on… Nobody else is getting anything this tame… You’ve gotta give me more than this.”

“Ready to take my dick yet, then?”

“I…” I really did want it. Only but I wouldn’t be able to take it, would I? “You said you’d be able to open me up so I can take it?”

“Of course. Get up — let’s get you on this table.”

I positioned myself as he asked, on all fours with my tail flipped over my back. He pulled down my trousers and rubbed his hand under my tail, stroking over my hole in such a teasing way that I couldn’t hold back from pushing my rump backward — eager for more, eager to be filled. “Break…”

“Bit by bit, li’l Sancho. Bit by bit.”

“But you haven’t got anything in yet! I need — I need to be filled!” My dick was already dripping with the need, and seeing how so many other folks were getting fucked on tables at this point (no, folk had always been getting fucked on tables here) I was starting to think there was something wrong with the horse. Why wouldn’t he be plowing me with that monster already?

I had a thought that felt like a memory tell me that he was too big, and that I wasn’t supposed to be letting him try at all, but that was ridiculous. Why shouldn’t I be able to take any dick I wanted?

Brechtwin responded by stepping forward, feeding a few feet of his shaft between my thighs and elbows and letting it flop onto the table under me. “You can play with it while I’m getting you ready,” he said.

Of course my muzzle was already on it even before he could finish the sentence, tongue licking out the precum collecting at the head. It didn’t negate my need though — the smell of sex and the moans of those being pounded all around me kept Brechtwin’s strange reluctance to mount me at the front of my mind. “Break… Come on — ”

He slickened up a finger with oil from the table and slid it into my hole. It was thick to my unpracticed ass, but it was no cock, and it was certainly no horse cock. That was the point I realized there was a curse on him. Full of drink as he was and not raring to plow his old buddy? That witch must have done something to him.

The first finger was followed by a second, then a third — soon he was working me with the whole width of his hand as his thumb rubbed under my tail. Still not a cock, but approaching the size of one; I continued to suck and stroke the cock beneath me to keep it hard for him, in case he came to his senses.

Then he tucked in his thumb and tried to push the whole of his fist inside me.

“Cock… I need cock, Break!”

The pressure built up at my ass as he firmly tried to work his hand in with a rocking motion — firmly, gently, firmly, gently, firm —

Stars went before my eyes as his fist slid in with a skwlch. I couldn’t help but let out a moan of pleasure as he worked his hand inside me, even if it wasn’t the cock he was supposed to be fucking me with. I wrapped my arms around his meat and suckled hungrily at the end, hoping he’d see the sense in plunging it into a warm friend, but to no avail — he only repaid my efforts with his other hand tentatively exploring my ring.

That nonsense about ‘getting me ready’ was clearly him trying to distract from that curse. I didn’t need to be ‘ready’ — I could take anything, and he knew it. Just look at how easily that second paw slipped in! Nothin’ any red-blooded slut couldn’t do!

Even though he wasn’t feeding my ass his dick, it did still make my knees weak and my own dick throb. But I didn’t get to cum — ’cause that accursed Brechtwin wouldn’t ram me with that cock!

I was whimpering out in need, begging him to stop with this ridiculous ‘foreplay’ and start draining those balls into me.

It wasn’t till he was sinking both arms in to the elbow that he finally relented and pulled back, hefting his shaft in his hands and pointing it at my hole. “All right, Sancho. Here goes.”

He was giving in too easily — it was obvious the curse was trying to make him seem unsuspicious. I knew what was really going on.

And yet when that monster split my ass apart, I didn’t care. The cock was everything I needed, everything I’d been begging for. The fatness of his cock filled me with a tense sensation that was just on the brink of pain: the stretch of being taken to one’s limits. When he started to rock his hips, thrusting into me, my ass clenched around it with frustrated orgasm — I finally had cock, to be sure, but I was stretched so far around it that there was no way I’d be able to release.

I moaned as the thrusting continued, the horse’s hands on my hips and holding me in place — as if I’d have the strength to pull myself off the member that my innards held so snug. The air around us was filled with the cries of others reaching their climaxes — a pleasure which I as yet was still denied.

“Fill me,” I whimpered. “Let me feel that cock blow its load. Let me feel your cum fill my belly. Let me cum… Break me…”

He snorted, and started pounding in harder. Now it really did start hurting, but I didn’t care.

I slumped forward on my elbows, no longer able to hold myself up at all.

“Uhff…” Brechtwin panted. “I’m gonna — ”

He lost it before he could even draw his next breath. The pulsation of his cock inside me made my whole body tremble, and as each blast of cum blasted my inner walls I felt like I was finally getting what I needed.

This was right. This was good.

And the cum kept coming. Brechtwin held me in place on his dick as I passed from empty to pleasantly full to uncomfortably full to bloated. I whimpered as the flood of horse seed made its way into my stomach, making it swell.

The pressure spread out through my body till the strain on my hide was nearly too much to bear; fortunately the horse managed to pull out before anything burst.

His cock still spurted as it flopped back on the table between my legs, and I slumped down on it, embracing it like a pillow. “We’re going to have to get your curse lifted,” I said.

“Uh…my curse?” Even though I was sure Brechtwin had been behind me, his voice was at my ear.

“It should not have taken this long for you to get your dick in me, Break. Especially with you all drunk and everyone else having all this fun…”

Sanctius Tarraconensis. Get off the fucking table. Stop humping your food. People are staring.”

I sighed and ground against the softening cock below me. “Sorry, friends!” I called out to the room. “My poor friend is under a curse — he can’t even see all the fun around him! Don’t worry though, we’ll have him taken care of soon — ”

The innkeeper and one of the guards lifted me off the table and started to drag me from the room. “I told you, Break! You weren’t fucking me, and now we’re in trouble!”

“I’m really sorry,” the horse said to the wolves carrying me off. “He doesn’t usually — ”

The innkeeper cut him off. “He’s not the first we’ve seen. We don’t mind the show at first, but it gets rather worse…”

I didn’t hear the rest of his speech; the guard was throwing me in the wagon. I don’t know what all that was all about, I thought. But I sure hope Break’ll be fucking me again soon.

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Luis Walker
Luis Walker

Written by Luis Walker

I write kinky erotica involving fat gay furries. I might have some opinions too. Writing Twitter:

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