Alf’s New Life
I don’t even miss having bones. I mean, don’t get me wrong, if I’d known my next hookup would abduct me to his basement and flatten me like a frickin’ pie crust, I probably would’ve steered clear of the guy.
But that’s over and done with — I actually got a pretty decent paycheck out of the ordeal — and now that I’d been stuffed even bigger and softer than the heckin’ chonker I’d been to start with, I was ready to go back out into the world again.
I hoped so, anyway. My changes had been a lot more than just flattening and fattening. I mean, I was still a red panda, but now everything on me was super soft, not just the flabby parts — my body was more like a furry waterbed than any kind of flesh and blood creature.
Would my family still recognize me? I’d kept in touch, but I hadn’t been brave enough to send them pictures as I’d grown.
I was sitting on the bed I’d spent most of the past few months in, next to a little sack holding the clothes I’d arrived with — no way they’d fit me anymore — waiting for ’Rino to come with the big wheelchair to take me home.
The burly mouse had been the closest thing I had to a companion here through his boss’s regular feedings. When he sang for me, being immobilized in strange circumstances and at the mercy of a strange fox didn’t seem so bad; it took me too long to realize the music was there for its direct effect on my mind.
He stood over me now, the habitual self-assured smirk on his face a reminder that he could easily kick the stuffing out of anyone, let alone someone like me who was twice as wide as he was.
Calming as he could be, he was still his boss’s henchman.
He wheeled me to the elevator and hit the button for the garage level, humming a little song that made me feel sad to be leaving.
“Hey, uh…” I said, recognizing the manipulation. “Please don’t do that anymore.”
He gave me the side-eye, but did stop. “I am going to miss you,” he said, still facing the elevator door. “He doesn’t usually let his guests…remain people. It was good to have someone around.”
I looked down at myself, a blobby mess spilling over the sides of the chair. “This is still ‘people’, is it?”
’Rino moved to face me, taking my paws in his hands. “You got lucky. He never lets anyone go. Nobody.”
Nobody, huh? I looked into those sad eyes of his. A loyal henchman, but not a willing one…
The elevator opened. One of the fox’s cars had been brought around for us — I’m not enough of a car guy to recognize the make, but it was black and surprisingly understated for someone as ostentatious as ‘The Great Reynard’.
I was sloshed into the back seat, and to my surprise ’Rino went around the other side and joined me there after stowing the chair. “Not driving?”
“No,” he said, pulling open a panel in the divider that separated us from the driver’s seat, exposing a muscular gator behind the wheel. “Lumin drives the boss’s cars. Tell ’im where we’re going.”
I gave my address, and ’Rino shut the little door again.
“Good,” he said. “That’s a ways off. I wanted to talk.”
He put his hand on my chest, the fat of which squished easily under the pressure until he was touching the seatback through me. “You’ve seen the changes we’ve made to your body. I’ve got a choice for you.”
I sighed.
The mouse let up his hand and moved it lower down my belly, leaning in against me as he rubbed it. “Would you like to be…even softer?”
I lifted his hand from my gut. They might not have let me out much, but I had seen the rest of the basement. “No. I don’t want to be one of the fox’s poor helpless plushies. Please.”
“That — that’s Reynard’s thing. I wouldn’t…” He shut his eyes and took a breath. “You’d still be you. More alive than them. Just…softer.”
’Rino opened his eyes again and gave my gelatinous belly a wobble that shook me all the way to my toes. “At least plushies have a shape?”
“I — ” I wanted to protest, but the rumble of the automobile kept my body quaking longer than it normally would have.
“A bigger, rounder shape…?”
I blushed deeply.
“Let me just sing for you a little.” The big mouse pushed my belly back enough to straddle my thighs and started humming softly. “Just a little tune, a bit of soft music…”
The song took hold quickly; it worked through my body, tired layers of fat growing softer and fuller as the song developed. A fluffy feeling in the pit of my stomach — or what used to be my stomach — as the change worked through me, leaving my belly a big round ball of stuffing.
His paws kneaded over my gut, smiling down into my eyes as he went on, and even though my body was no longer registering as flesh and blood, I could feel him grinding against my new plush thickness. I reached my own plumping paw down to undo his pants, letting loose a short girthy shaft that dripped pre over my thumb.
“Hmm,” I said, bringing it up to my muzzle and tasting his sweetness on the new flavor of my fur just before the change moved up past my tongue. “I’m not gonna need, like…special laundry instructions, am I?”
’Rino laughed, leaning forward to kiss my nose. “You won’t have trouble.” His shaft slid easily into my navel, forcing a gasp out of me.
“Huff,” I said, as he mounted my belly. “Why does that feel so nice?”
“Toys get pleasure from being played with.”
“Then keep playing with me.” I wrapped my arms around the mouse, pulling him forward with a strength one wouldn’t expect from a stuffed animal to bring him into a deeper kiss as the car accelerated onto the highway.
He suckled on my tongue — now a near-orgasmic experience — and continued thrusting into my belly, hands kneading into my softness. It was so different from how fucking my belly had been before: where my whole body used to wobble as waves of fat moved and I could always feel the pressure of the guy’s cock bottoming out in my bellyhole, now my gut had a deep, fuckable sleeve and each time his hips met my belly I felt my stuffing compress — an intense sensation I could only compare to what a good squeeze used to feel like on my hard dick.
But now…
I realized I hadn’t even been thinking about my own arousal. I tried to parse the signals I was getting from my crotch, but with the view being blocked by ’Rino and my belly, the endeavor was hopeless.
Before, I’d had…well, technically it was an average-length cock, but the growth of my pubic fatpad had left it almost completely buried. At least, until I’d met the fox, after which that last half-inch was quickly lost to my unbounded growth.
Did I still have that, or something like it? A plush sleeve in a fat pad, easily mounted, with the remains of my cock somewhere inside? Would it be a soft toy cock, or something solid and dildo-like buried in there?
Or was I null now, like any good teddy bear, just a family-friendly toy with a perfectly smooth crotch? Or… maybe just the hole, with no cock at all?
With each thrust into my belly the anticipation built — the urge to discover and explore my groin. I used to be able to reach my dick, I thought. Man, I sure took that for granted.
The car slowed to a stop as ’Rino’s efforts began to crescendo, the gruff mouse breathing hard as he slammed repeatedly into my belly. That dick in my navel started to throb as he gasped out, gripping me close to him and unloading enough cum into me that it was soon dripping down my underbelly.
The force of his climax dispersed through my whole body as a reward for being a good toy.
He hopped off and took a seat beside me, sliding his hand down my gut to scoop up his cum and slurp it off his fingers. I reached down my own gut to find the fur wasn’t wet and sticky — it seemed just as clean as the rest of me.
“No laundry instructions,” he said.
That was fine, but my interest was further south. I compressed the stuffing of my gut enough to reach my crotch, my fingers exploring the space between my thighs. There was definitely something there that gave immense pleasure to the touch. But…
“What’ve I got between my legs?”
The mouse pulled out a cell phone and snapped a picture to show me.
Half buried among the black fur of my crotch was a small bronze hemisphere maybe an inch and a half across.
“Love button,” he said.
He slid a finger across it, sending a shudder all the way through me.
“I figured it’d be a little easier to find than your last piece of equipment, and about the same size. You won’t lose it if you happen to grow more. What do you think?”
He rubbed it in slow circles. Not having anything to release with, the orgasmic sensation left me trembling, all my limbs tensing with an energy that would have left me out of breath, if I still had any need of breathing.
I tried to stammer out something like approval, but he kept stroking the little nub and I couldn’t make anything like coherent noises; I just kind of slumped against him as he kept going.
“Thought so,” he said.
We pulled up outside my house and disentangled ourselves from each other. ’Rino slipped back into his pants as Lumin escorted me out of the car. My new body was light enough now that I could move under my own power again.
“Thank you guys, I guess.”
The driver rolled his eyes and got back in the car.
’Rino jumped out and gave me a big soft hug. “I want to see you again.”
I looked into his eyes. The memory of the months I’d spent in the fox’s service bore in on me — all the changes they’d made to my body. Was there any way I could live a normal life again?
I could smell his sweat that we’d worked up somehow. I knew…I was still alive. I was coming home. And tomorrow would happen, whether I was ready for it or not. If I had the strength to take the day to its fullest…shouldn’t I?
I leaned in and kissed his muzzle. “Yeah,” I said. “I’ll message you.”
He ducked back into the car to hide his blush.
And I went inside to get my mother’s inevitable freakout over with.
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