A Good Deep Throat

Luis Walker
8 min readJun 9, 2018


I watched Szith’s show from the back of the hall, invisible, remembering when I used to sneak in to concerts as a kid.

Now I get to do this as my job. Not the sneaking in — just staffing, usually travelling with bands as security. It’s nothing glamorous, but union wages and all the living music you can drink in were good enough for me.

And Szith puts on a great show — the tiger-striped naga is a powerful presence on stage all by himself before you ever hear a note from him, but then he starts to rock and it’s like…gold.

Of course he was on stage now and would be busy for a bit; meanwhile, I was scanning the crowd for someone I could have fun with.

There’s lots of space to have fun backstage.

Sad to say, most of the mob on the floor was not my type; I like chunkier guys, and being on the big side myself — about 450 lately — it’s rare to find someone in my league.


The band finished playing ‘Insurrection,’ one of their hits, and as the drummer started the familiar opening beats of ‘Anatoly,’ a bellow of enthusiasm was conspicuous among the cheering of the audience — it came from a hefty red panda in the middle of a gang of husky girls.

He was on the shorter side, which is probably why I hadn’t seen him at first, but once I had — well! A mane of messy red headfur, a black T-shirt with the slogan ‘Chocolate is a fruit’ that didn’t quite cover his gut, jeans that hugged his rump in a way that made you want to do likewise, and a thick tail whose length put mine to shame (and I’m a kangaroo).

I had to meet him.

Still invisible, I pressed through the crowd of dancers till I was just behind him. He smelled of cinnamon and the sweat that stained his pits; I figured I could draw him away with the promise of a place to cool off and have a snack or two.

I went back to the atrium where they were selling necessities, went visible, and picked up a bottle of water to bring back to him.

“Hey, if you need a break, got a place for you backstage.” I handed him the bottle, hoping my security guard outfit wouldn’t put him off.

He gave me an actual wink (who does that?) and a big smile. “Thanks, man — cool if I wait till after this song?”

“By all means.”

I danced with the wah till the cheer went up at the end of ‘Anatoly’ and led him to the hall behind the stage, where our break room was.

I let him sit down and brought him a danish as the guitar riff that opened ‘With Crimson’ came through the wall.

“Ah man,” he said, tearing into the pastry like no one was looking, before averting his eyes and covering his mouth as he talked through it. “I love this song too. My first job out of high school, I used to blast it on the drive home from work so I wouldn’t fall asleep. Usually worked. Man…the time flies.”

I nodded and leaned in, having sat down beside him. “Yeah… I remember when it first came on the radio… Way back when actual radios were a thing. Wild that he’s still going strong.”

He looked down at his shoulder, the one I was leaning against. “Never imagined I’d get to meet him though,” he said. “I mean — we can do that, right? Or did you just bring me back here to make a move on me?”

I blushed. “Could it be a little of both?”

He gave me a kiss on the nose. “Maybe. If you’d bring me a couple more of those danishes?”

I ended up feeding him the whole tray as the concert went on, rubbing over his belly. When there were no more left, I led him to an empty dressing room and laid him out on a couch.

Straddling him as best I could, I kneaded over his gut, grinding along the underside as he pulled his shirt off. The dark fur of his belly was so soft I could’ve just curled up on him and used him as a bed, if I weren’t nearly big enough to be used likewise.

“You’re cute,” I said, and the blush and smile that followed told me he didn’t hear that often.

“I’m Alf,” he said. “Do you live around here?”

I shook my head. “I live all the way up in Ko City.”

“Then I probably won’t see you again,” he said, showing a grin. “So I won’t feel bad about being forward and asking you to suck my cock for a bit.”

I laughed, undoing his pants. “Nothing to feel bad about there. I’m all for it.”

The member was not too impressive to look at — as often happens with bigger fellahs, the growth of his fat pad had swallowed up most of his length; while he was still hard, only about half an inch of a caramel-colored cock was visible among the dark fur.

But being a bigger fellah myself I knew that, like an iceberg, the majority of it would still be there beneath the surface.

I pushed the fatpad back exposing several inches of girth and took it into my mouth, gratified to find the fat slid back over my muzzle when I let go.

Alf reached down to rub the back of my head as I sucked at him, holding my face buried in his softness till I had to tap out and catch my breath.

The red panda was in the middle of saying how much he was enjoying that when Szith himself came in the door. He struggled to cover himself back up, not noticing that the naga, as usual, wasn’t wearing all that much in general.

The naga was still imposing even off the stage, not least thanks to the fact that he managed to fill the room. All he had to do was squeeze his way through the door and let coil after coil follow — it was impressive, for those into that sort of thing, and from the look on Alf’s face, he certainly was.

“Mattock, I thought we agreed on sharing.”

“I brought him here, didn’t I?”


“You wanted to meet him anyway. What’re you in the mood for, big snake?”

“I’m famished,” he said, his bass making the whole room vibrate. “Someone ate everything out of the kitchen.”

Alf’s ears reddened. “He fed it to me.”

“Then he can feed you to me.”

The wah yelped, but I just chuckled, uncovered his dick again, and gave it a lick. “You wanted to get up close and personal… This is what it’s like.” I resumed suckling on him before he could do much squirming.

“I don’t — I mean, I’ve never been eaten before — Is it really — ” His protestations stilled as the naga approached the couch close enough to breathe on his ears.

I buried my nose in his fatpad again, deep enough to almost gag on the length, then pulled back. “If you like how your cock feels in a throat…imagine how it’ll feel when it’s your whole body.”

His eyes widened. “But what about…after that? I mean, stomachs are full of acid…”

“I’ve got a little something for the pain,” Szith said — and before Alf could respond, sank his fangs into the poor red panda’s shoulder.

He yelped in surprise, but only momentarily; the venom was instantaneous in its effect, and he was soon gazing longingly into the distance, happily mumbling something about being ready for a good deep throat.

Szith extracted his fangs and looked down at us. “Shall we begin, then?”

The naga unhinged his jaw and moved to engulf the fat wah’s head.

I sat back on Alf’s thighs, rubbing over his gut as his delirious murmurs disappeared down Szith’s throat. “Bet that feels good,” I said. “How’s he taste?”

Szith snorted at me and gulped down more of him, throat stretching wide enough to engulf Alf’s stout chest. With a gesture he pointed me further down his body and curled it around the couch.

“With pleasure,” I said, sliding my paw down those scales till I found his vent. I stroked it gently, making him moan out around the belly of the fan he was trying to work his jaws around. By the flailing of his legs Alf was clearly trying to wriggle his way in one direction or other, but under the influence of the naga’s venom it was a gamble whether he was squirming to get further in, or to squeeze his way out.

No matter — he’d be going in one way or another.

I brought my muzzle down to the naga’s cloaca, breathing in the reptilian scent of scales and sex without sweat — a scent that was somehow organic but my nose didn’t want to call animal.

I loved it.

As Szith moved in to cram the big red panda’s legs down his throat, I pushed my face into his vent, feeling the fold give way and grip my muzzle.

I inhaled the snake’s deeper scents as he pulled me in, inner tunnels taking hold of my head. His body pushed me against the couch for leverage to wrap his tail around me and cram my shoulders in.

The weight of the red panda as he slid down the rocker’s gullet pressed on me and his squirms against me highlighted that, big though Szith may seem, we were being squeezed into a comparatively small space.

I slid inch by inch into the constricting innards of the naga, his vent stretching over my belly and pinning my arms to my side. If I wanted out now, it was too late.

“I hope you boys enjoyed the show,” Szith said, the red panda finally having cleared his jaws. His voice sounded even deeper from inside his body. “And it was a simple afterparty, but I hope you enjoyed it as well.”

As he pulled my legs in, I leaned against the bulge that was Alf. His digestion would go a lot faster than mine — he was already starting to thrash around as the acids did their work — but I wouldn’t even be able to get in that stomach to digest till he was done, so I knew I’d be running out of air first.

No worries.

As my feet were drawn into the snug warmth of the naga’s hole, I curled myself up and went to sleep.

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Luis Walker
Luis Walker

Written by Luis Walker

I write kinky erotica involving fat gay furries. I might have some opinions too. Writing Twitter: https://twitter.com/muskwriter

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